Press releases

Green sympathisers STILL support nuclear energy, across a range of questions.

The second poll on Nuclear Energy commissioned with IPSOS by Greens For Nuclear Energy In our third opinion poll on attitudes to nuclear energy (and the use of biomass) ‐ and our second poll conducted by Ipsos, the Greens For Nuclear Energy campaign reveals once again that people involved in environmental campaign organisations (for example Greenpeace, Extinction Rebellion, Friends of the Earth, the RSPB, WWF, the Green Party, etc) are more likely to support than to oppose the use of nuclear energy for electricity production in the UK. Mark Yelland, founder of the Greens For Nuclear Energy...

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Green sympathisers support nuclear energy, across a range of questions.

Major New Poll on Nuclear Energy A major new Ipsos poll in the UK commissioned by the Greens For Nuclear Energy campaign, reveals that the majority of people involved in environmental campaigning organisations are broadly supportive of nuclear energy. This finding contradicts the traditional image of the green movement. Mark Yelland, founder of the Greens For Nuclear Energy campaign said: “I’m encouraged that environmental campaigners who have typically always been viewed as opposed to nuclear energy, are finally seeing its value to combat climate change. I always believed that common sense...

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Almost half (46%) of ‘Greens’ support replacing the UK’s nuclear power stations when they reach the end of their working lives

According to a first of a kind survey carried out by campaign group Greens For Nuclear Energy.The Survation poll of just over 3,000 respondents asked a range of questions about energy and nuclear power and produced some surprising answers particularly among those who identified as ‘green’. The Green Party has held an ideological opposition to nuclear power thanks to its roots in the peace movement but this survey implies those supporting green issues are evenly spilt on the question of using nuclear for electricity generation with 37% supporting and 37% opposing.Mark Yelland and...

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Greens For Nuclear Energy is an independent not for profit group campaigning to change the green movement’s attitudes to nuclear energy. It was formally established in 2020 and receives neither any support from nor has any ties to the nuclear industry.

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